MapleStory M Global Operation Policy

1. Basic Operation Policy

2. Customer's Rights and Obligations

3. Personal Information Management

4. GM's Role and Activities

5. Naming Policy Including Character Names

6. Precautions While Playing the Game

7 Compensation Policy

8. Dormant Accounts Policy

9. Guest Accounts Policy

10. Operation Policies to protect the human rights of counselors

1. Basic Operation Policy
[1-1] MapleStory M Global (Game), serviced by Nexon Korea Corporation (Company), is being operated by the Operation Policy seen below. The Company makes its best efforts to provide smooth operation and user protection in accordance with the Operation Policy.

[1-2] In addition, the Operation Policy helps ensure consistent and efficient resolution of problems that may arise both in and outside of the Game
[1-3] The Company may modify the Operation Policy to provide stable service to the Customers and to minimize any inconveniences that you may encounter or to be compliant with any relevant laws and regulations. If changes are to be made to the Operation Policy, Company will provide a prior notice about such changes on the official community pages or through the in-game announcements.

[1-4] In order to prevent any losses or inconveniences, please check the announcement page on the official community pages and be acquaint with any changes. The Company would not be able to give support if any losses or inconveniences are caused by not having known about the changes made to the Operation Policy.

[1-5] Any matters which are not mentioned in the Operation Policy section will follow the Nexon Mobile Service Terms Use, Nexon Personal Information Privacy Policy and other relevant laws and regulations.

[1-6] The access restrictions mentioned in the Operation Policy refer to the restrictions in the use of the Game account and the use of the Game character.

2. Customer's Rights and Obligations
[2-1] Customer’s Rights

[2-1-1] Customers have the rights to enjoy diverse contents provided by the Game and receive related services. However, game contents including characters and items are owned by the Company.

[2-1-2] When having difficulties with the game play, the customer may inquire anytime through the customer center which is accessible through the game.

[2-1-3] For a smoother game play you may request for help or make suggestions to the game operator (Also known as GM: Game Master).

[2-1-4] If customers feel that they have received unfair treatment regarding access restrictions, they may inquire through official channels such as the customer center. However, it is not possible to file an objection after the data retention period.

[2-2] Customer’s Obligations

[2-2-1] Customers should not act against the Company's terms, policy, and social norms. If Customer causes harm or damage to the other customers due to certain actions, such Customer who caused the damages will be responsible for their actions.

[2-2-2] Customers need to enter their correct personal information when registering as a member.

Damage caused from immoral actions such as registering false information or using the personal information of others may not be protected by the Company. Moreover, they will be responsible for the consequences of identity theft.

If you win an event held by the Company with an account registered with someone else's information, problems may occur when you claim compensation, prizes, or any rewards, and the winning may be cancelled.

The rights of characters, items and in-game currency of accounts registered with other people's information are not recognized, and help cannot be obtained even if a problem occurs.

[2-2-3] Customer may make a report or seek consultation with GM for a better game play. If a bug is encountered within the Game, the customer should report the bug to the GM. If a Customer abuses or spread the bugs to the others, rather than reporting it to the GM, such Customer’s game access may be restricted.

[2-2-4] Customers are responsible for the damages from their use of the programs that are not officially provided by the Company.

3. Personal Information Management
[3-1] Customers are solely responsible for their accounts and their account-related activities. Therefore, customers should make every effort to protect their personal information. However, damages caused by intentional or gross negligence of the Company are excluded.

[3-2] The Company will not acknowledge cases in which customers abnormally transfer/sell or share their accounts and personal information. All problems such as fraud and account theft that arise due to this shall not be protected by the Company.

[3-3] In cases where customers trade their accounts, characters or in-game items for money or actual goods, they will be deprived from their rights to use without warning. It will be very difficult for customers to receive any help with the problems rising thereof.

[3-4] Customers should protect their personal information from others’ misconducts such as account-thefts by changing their account passwords regularly.

[3-5] Customer negligence is the cause of fraud in most cases, which makes it very difficult for us to provide assistance for the damages caused. In order to avoid fraud (being deceived by a person impersonating the GM or a character by means of a similar name, or by a person who pretends to be a friend), please be cautious when performing transactions such as trading or buying items/goods.

4. GM's Role and Activities
The GM has the responsibilities and duties as mentioned below, and has the obligation to provide the customers with a convenient game environment. When a case that is not mentioned below arises, a prompt and appropriate response will be given in accordance with the general gaming order (shared by the company and the customer) for a smooth operation of the game. All measures will be taken to protect the proper gaming environment and customers.

[4-1] The GM must comply with the Company’s privacy policy and the relevant regulations. In addition, the GM must not ask for the customers personal information (User information such as game password, social security number and private information), nor leak the Customer’s personal information or modify it at its own discretion. However, GM can provide the Customer’s personal information to a judicial institution, if such provision is officially requested by such judicial institution.

[4-2] The GM has the responsibility to check and modify bugs which are reported by the customers.

In case the bug fixing is delayed due to various issues, including circumstantial issue, the GM will make best efforts to give an announcement to the users or provide support through Customer Support Center.

[4-3] The GM should not show favoritism to certain customers and should treat all customers fairly and equally.

[4-4] Apart from the information publicly available, if customers ask for information regarding future updates and specific contents, GM may provide limited or no information.

[4-5] In cases where an abnormal circumstance takes place either in or outside the game, the GM may completely/partially suspend or restrict access to the service. In this case, the GM promptly informs through the official community site and in-game notice, and does its best to prevent damage that customers may suffer.

[4-6] The principle of the GM is not to be involved with the normal activities of customers. However, if issues regarding the interference of other customers Game play or interference of the Game operations are encountered, the customer will be warned or the use of the Game ID or character will be restricted to protect other customers according to the Operation Policy.

Actions regarding the distribution and use of harmful or unauthorized programs that hinder the game environment

② Actions regarding the interference of the game play of other virtuous customers

③ Actions regarding the destruction of the game order such as game economy which is shared by virtuous customers.

Actions regarding the violation of the positive law or the damage to the public order and morals of the game.

[4-7] Even in cases not mentioned above, if a situation occurs that interferes with game operation and customers' use of the game for reasonable reasons, the GM will take appropriate measures in accordance with the general order and norms shared by GM and customers to ensure a smooth game environment and customers.

5. Naming Policy Including Character Names
[5-1] Customers may freely decide on the game contents (system) regarding the creation of character names, guild names and guild introduction. In case the customer creates a character name, guild name or guild introduction which corresponds with the items listed below, the GM may restrict the game use without prior warning according to the Operation Policy.

Moreover, the GM may modify/delete those names to protect customers:

- Names that are considered to have the intentions to deceive other users as a staff member of the Company or the GM

- Names that are created with lascivious and filthy words or slangs (abusive language) that can be unpleasant to other customers

- Names that are intended to trade game ID, characters, cyber money to cash or actual goods, with those of other servers or other games

- Names that degrade groups such as certain religion, race, or companies

- Names that advertise a certain target

- Names that are not acceptable under social norms

- Names that have the possibility to infringe a third party brand or copyright

6. Precautions While Playing the Game
[6-1] Use Restrictions

According to the general order and the standard that are shared between the customers and the Company, the GM may take prompt and appropriate actions in order to protect customers from all actions that interfere game play and wreck the game environment.

In order to create a vibrant and comfortable discussion board for customers, the GM may impose sanctions or edit/move/delete posts without any prior notice.

[6-1-1] The level of usage restriction is applied according to the type of activity and the number of usage restrictions. However, in some cases, a lower level of usage restriction may be applied by mitigating. If Customer has been found to be violated two or more Operation Policy at the same time, the item with the higher level of restriction on use is applied. As such, the use restriction end date may change.

[6-1-2] Even if you do not directly violate the Operation Policy, if it is found that you were involved in such act, you may be restricted from using the Game to the same account as the account that violated the Operation Policy.

[Reference] Definition of Terms of Use Restriction Criteria

Chat restriction

All chat access is restricted for a stated period of time.

Game access restriction

Access to the game is restricted for a stated period of time.

Temporary access restriction

To protect and investigate accounts with suspicious access/play, access to the game is temporarily restricted.

Account Protection Measure

To protect accounts with suspicious access/play, access to the game is temporarily restricted until verification is complete.

Arbitrary renaming

If it violates the naming policy, names will be changed to a random name.

Access restriction to some contents

Access to certain in-game content is restricted for a stated period of time.

Blocking abnormal networks

Access to the game is restricted from certain networks if suspected anomalous and abnormal access/play is identified.

Device restriction

Restrict access from the device you're using for a certain period of time.

Community restrictions

Creating official community posts/comments is restricted for a stated period of time.


Use in-game communication to communicate cautions or prohibitions.

Trade station restrictions

Access to the trade station is restricted for a stated period of time

Restrictions on use mentioned in this Operation Policy refer to restrictions on the use of MapleStory M accounts (including all characters).

If your MapleStory M account is linked to MapleStory PC, the restrictions will be imposed based on your MapleStory PC account status.

[6-1-3] Disorderly Behavior in the Game (including official community/Social Media Pages)

Disorderly behavior in the Game (including official community and social media pages) refers to actions that intentionally interrupt the operation of the Game or cause discomfort to other customers.

Fraud is most often caused by personal negligence, so it is difficult to provide assistance for the damage caused.

In order to avoid damages such as impersonation by creating similar nicknames and GM names, and fraud using friendship, please pay special attention to transactions, movement of goods and items, and use of accounts. Customers are responsible for any damages or consequences from circumstances that is not caused by the Company.

[6-1-4] System (Bug) Abuse

System (bug) use and abnormal play (abusing) behavior refers to the act of obtaining unfair benefits (goods, meso, and in-game items) or breaking the game balance by taking advantage of in-game errors or phenomena that go against the planning intention.

When customers encounter bugs or system related problems within the game, they need to report them through the customer center which is accessible through the Game.

If they do not report the bugs, and abuse or distribute the bugs to others, their game use may be restricted accordingly.

[6-1-5] Use of unauthorized programs and macro behaviors

If an abnormal play pattern is identified, the use of in-game content may be temporarily restricted. Also, if an abnormal play pattern is identified, the use of the game may be restricted according to the Operation Policy.

In particular, the act of distributing or producing a program, device, or device that may hinder a smooth game environment or adversely affect other customers' game progress thus impeding the fairness of the game may result in restrictions on use of the game and legal action.

The act of acquiring/trading/moving in-game items by creating multiple accounts, and using them for the purpose of unfair profit not only interferes with other customers' use of the game, but also harms the game environment. This kind of act can lead to permanent use restrictions upon first detection.

On the other hand, since the games provided by the company are optimized for mobile devices, when playing in other environments or using programs not directly provided by the company, some games may not be smooth, such as game crashes or character creation restrictions. Damages and disadvantages that may result from this shall be borne by the customer.

[6-1-6] Hacking and Theft of Accounts and Leakage of Private Information

1) What is game account theft/hacking?

Identity theft refers to the action that access and use other user’s account without a prior written consent in an attempt to obtain that users in-game items, in-game currency or any other things. If a customer makes a false report accusing of account theft/hacking, then sanctions shall be imposed on the customer who made the false report.

Hacking refers to all actions as follows: the act of illegally accessing another customer's device or game server; act of installing a game or opening an executable file, changing or modifying it; the act of hacking information between a server and a client; and all acts attempted for this purpose.

2) What is personal information leakage?

It is the action of leaking the personal information of another customer within the Game.

*What is personal information?

A piece of information (signs/letters/voice/sounds) related to a living individual which allow to identify and distinguish such individual. Even if such information alone does not allow to identify the individual, if it allows to identify by combining a number of information, then it will be regarded as Personal Information.

[6-1-7] Abuse of All Processes Related to the Company and the Open Market Store

During the use of the Game service, customers may be restricted to game use if they acquire benefits by abusing all processes related to the member registration, game use, payment, refund, or any other services that are provided by the Company and the open market store. The benefits acquired through abusing may be withdrawn from the customer.

Furthermore, such customers may become subject to restrictions if they spread ways to abuse to other customers or harms other virtuous customers.

[6-2] Degree of Game Usage Restriction

If customer violate the Operation Policy, the customer’s game usage may be restricted. The level of restriction depends on degree of damage. If the customer violates the Operation Policy for a number of times or a number of terms and conditions, the level and period of restriction may be aggravated. In cases where the violations to the terms of use and customary laws damaged the Company or other customers, the period of access restriction to the Game may be increased accordingly.

Please note that the actions that are not listed below, but cause harm to the Company or the other customers shall also be subject to restriction according to the provision, [6-2]. The level of restrictions will be the same for those that imposed on the similar actions or harm. If such behavior is not similar to any of the listed adverse behavior below, then the level restrictions shall be determined by the Company based on its investigation records.

If your account shows a history of restricted use, you shall not be entitled to any rewards or compensation as a result of on-time maintenance session run through by the Company and cannot claim any in-game item and event rewards that expired during the restricted period. Please note that we do not provide assistance for damages related to the unused items and contents that were not being accessed during the restricted period.

[6-2-1] Actions that break the order within the Game


1st Warning

2nd Warning

3rd Warning

4th and Beyond

Names which violate the rules within the Game


Game access restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 15 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

The name is randomly changed

 Names which deceive others pretending to be a person related with the company, the GM, or names which show signs of having similar intentions.

Names created with lascivious, obscene, vulgarism words that can cause displeasure to the others.

Names with a meaning that may cause discomfort or shame to other customers according to social norms.

Names which demean a specific religion, race, company, or any other groups.

Names which show signs of intentions of trading items, characters, cyber money within the Game for cash or benefits in kind.

Names which show signs of intentions of trading items, characters, cyber money between servers, and trading between other games.

Names which advertise a particular person or object or has the possibility of infringing a third party right such as copyright, trademarks or any other rights.

Names with an unusually generated or unrecognizable letters that do not follow the accepted name rules.

Names which show intentions of exposing other customer’s personal information.

Names that advertises for a specific audience.

Names which violate relational statute or other names which are hard to accept through social norms.

Changing the spelling or combining other letters of the names mentioned above.

Interfering the smooth progress and operation of the Game

Game access restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Game access restricted for 90 days

Making intentional interruption to the in-game events.

 Disturbing from performing its duty by making an unreasonable defamatory remarks and comments against the Company or the GM.

Making false reports about bugs, lost items, theft, etc. through Customer Support Center.

Acting against the Game and interfere with the service and quality.

Abusing the game system and adversely affect the Game order.

Repeatedly abusing the system errors and bugs and not reporting them.

Spamming the Customer Support Center and that delays the work.

Posting abusive, obscene, hateful, violent content or images on a community board.

Any other cases that interfere with normal game operation.

Impersonating GM and spreading false information

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Game access restricted for 90 days

Game access restricted for 365 days

Impersonating GM or the Company and requesting personal information or money.

Causing confusion or damage to other customers by distributing false or unofficial information.

When the company's official information (notices, announcements, responses to the customer inquiries) is arbitrarily modified or distributing such modified information.

Put adverse impact on the Game economy by abusing the Game system.

Bringing the Game into the disrepute by acting against the social norms or violating the Operational Policy.

Any other actions that intentionally and maliciously interfering with normal game service.

Interfering other customers’ use of the Game

Game access restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Game access restricted for 90 days

Insulting or causing discomfort to other customers.

Making a derogatory remark on someone’s physical conditions or slandering the other users or guilds.

Posting content that contains implicit or explicit sexual content or expressions that could make others feel uncomfortable.

Expressing or taking an action that contains implicit or explicit sexual content that could make the other customers feel uncomfortable.

Random or targeted derogatory remarks and this includes insults against the users’ parents.

Disseminating antagonism or denouncing the members in general.

Promoting social and cultural disputes in relation to politics, regional sentiment, gender, religion, nationality, race, and ethnicity.

Using inappropriate and abusive languages and spamming.

Stalking and similar behaviors to harass another customer.

Causing inconvenience to others by acting unreasonably.

Violating the others’ right of publicity.

Expressions that violate public order and morals or are difficult to accept in terms of social norms or are equivalent to them.

Any other forms of unreasonable behavior that cause discomfort to others.

Fraud and fraudulent activity

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Game access restricted for 90 days

Game access restricted for 365 days

Trading/Exchanging (or any actions which are similar to these) in-game currency or items that interfere the Game economy.

Leading the action to trigger others’ involvement of trading/exchanging (or any other actions which are similar to these) in-game currency or items.

Promoting, advertising, encouraging trading or exchanging money, goods, vouchers or other goods with money value.

Promoting or attempting gambling in connection to the Game (this includes promotion via personal internet broadcast).

Taking advantage through fraudulent activity within the Game.

Using a character name similar to an existing one to cause confusion in order to commit fraud.

Committing fraud to acquire in-game items/ money.

Initiating and actioning fraudulent transaction within the Game.

Trading with cash or advertising for commercial purposes

Game access restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 15 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Unfair profits (paid/free in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) retrieved and deducted

Any behavior related to trading or attempting to trade in-game currency and items for money.

Any behavior using the in-game system (Trade Station) to trading or attempting to trade in-game currency and items for money.

Trading or attempting to trade the Game accounts and in-game items (paid goods/game money/items, etc.) with other game accounts and in-game items.

Providing help in trade or attempt to trade cash or in-game items.

Attempting to make a cash transaction through in-game chat / bulletin board or similar intention

Posting or advertising commercial vouchers, event coupons or any other rewards with money value in order to trade them for cash or actual goods.

Commercial advertisements

Game access restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Game access restricted for 90 days

Commercial advertising to pursue one's own interests through various communication methods.

Promoting and advertising harmful information to other customers.

Promoting or advertising for the purpose of encouraging violation of the Operation Policy in the Game.

Promoting/advertising for the purpose of guiding other customers to non-game channels such as other social media pages, internet broadcasting, external websites, and messengers.

advertisements for the purpose of trading cash, vouchers and coupons, , account, in-game items and currency or any similar actions.

Posting commercial advertisements.

Promoting or advertising contents unrelated to the Game or the Company.

Proxy Play

Game access restricted for 30 days

Permanent game access restriction

Having the other individual to use the Game account for the Game play and getting an unfair advantage or harming the others.

Playing the other individual’s account to play the Game and cause the harm to the others or assisting that individual to obtain benefits unjustly.

Even if it is not a particular behavior listed above, if your behavior has an adverse impact to the Game environment, then you will be subject to account restriction for a certain period of time, depending on your usage history.

If you have an inappropriate name as your character name, then it will be arbitrarily changed without notice, and we will not be able to help you with any damages caused by it.

[6-2-2] Abnormal game use behaviors and actions


1st Warning

2nd Warning

3rd Warning

4th and Beyond

Unauthorized program usages

Permanent game access restriction

Use of any software or device (hardware) not provided or authorized by the Company, such as speed hacks, memory hacks, multiloaders, macro programs, hacking programs, VPN access programs or any other unauthorized programs.

Use of applications, programs and software not provided by the Company with malicious intent to harm the Game environment.

Attempting to tamper with or hack the Game application to cause disruption or gain advantage in the Game.

Causing network instability or impairing the Game environment by using a modified/manipulated game application.

Using an unauthorized program to take benefits out of the Game using single or multiple identities.

Using a program which alter, damage, or forge the Game data or programs and may infringe the Company's copyright.

If it is demonstrated through system log analysis that you are attempting to use an unauthorized program.

Using unauthorized programs other than Game applications provided by the Company.

Repeated abnormal play patterns which indicate the use or attempted use of unauthorized programs.

Create · distribute · sell · share · or promoting unauthorized programs

Permanent game access restriction

Developing, selling, or promoting unauthorized the Game-related programs.

Sharing or distributing such unauthorized programs for non-commercial purposes.

Disseminating the way to modify and hack the authorized game application.

Disseminating or promoting instructions on how to use unauthorized programs.

Detection by security systems

Permanent game access restriction

If the security system shows that unauthorized programs have been used or an unusual play pattern has been demonstrated.

Bug use

Game access restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 15 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Unfair profits (paid/free in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) retrieved and deducted

Using a bug in the Game to gain unfair advantage.

Obtaining unfair profits (paid/free in-game items and currency and experience) through abnormal means.

Bug Abuse

Game access restricted for 30 days

Game access restricted for 90 days

Game access restricted for 365 days

Permanent game access restriction

Unfair profits (paid/free goods, in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) retrieved and deducted

Abusing the Game's bug to obtain illegal (unfair) benefits.

Continuously obtaining unfair profits (paid/free in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) through abnormal methods.

Continuously abusing the bug even after the GM has officially notified the error through the official community or in-game announcement.

Ignoring the notice even if you are aware of the problems caused by abusing the system and aiding and abetting the others abusing the system.

Other cases where the system (bug) is abused to gain an unfair advantage or disrupt the Game balance.

Abnormal in-game play pattern

Game access restricted for 90 days

Permanent game access restriction

Unfair profits (paid/free goods, in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) retrieved and deducted

Intentionally abusing the Game together with other customers

Abusive play (cheating) in which you manipulate the game in an illegal way to gain EXP and/or items

Game bug/abnormal play propagation and dissemination

Permanent game access restriction

Unfair profits (paid/free goods, in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) retrieved and deducted

Leaking or promoting abnormal play (abusing), instructions on how to abuse bug, or bug itself to the others.

Multiple accounts, organized/collective unusual play patterns (Creation/ Access/ Play of the Workshop accounts)

Permanent game access restriction

① Using the Game with multiple accounts or in an organized or collective manner for the purpose of unfairly acquiring, trading, or transferring items (including for profit).

② If an abusive pattern is identified in multiple accounts that is difficult to see as normal play.

Ex) When multiple accounts have the same/similar pattern of game play and this includes, but not limited to the below:

Repeatedly acquiring or using in-game currency and items using the same/similar game system to gain benefits and trading/transferring those to a specific account or related group; and

Same/similar pattern of play is confirmed by a multiple accounts using the Game system;

Ex) Playing the Game by creating multiple characters when abnormally connected to the Game and this includes, but not limited to the below:

Creating and playing multiple accounts in the same/similar environment (same/adjacent IP bandwidth or connection device etc.)

Multiple accounts are created and subsequently, played in the same/similar environment by accessing from the IP of an account sanctioned for violating the Operation Policy within a certain period of time.

Ex) Organized and collective use of the Game by creating characters with similar patterns (series of meaningless names and same occupational group.)

Ex) When multiple accounts repeatedly used abnormal methods to acquire/transact/transfer in-game items or currency.

Abnormal trading/transfer patterns as follows:

Trading at a price that does not match the normal exchange rate;

Trading with an account that has been restricted for violating the Operation Policy; and

Repeatedly trading similar in-game items with a specific account at a certain price or transferring in-game items to a specific account.

Unusual play patterns using the in-game trading system

Permanent game access restriction

① Acts that may adversely affect the Game economy by organizing/collectively acquiring/transacting/moving in-game items and currency with multiple accounts (characters), or acts related to them.

② Organized/collective acquisition/transaction/movement of in-game items and currency on the same device and similar account connection environment, or acts that may adversely affect the Game economy.

When multiple accounts (characters) systematically/collectively use unauthorized programs to acquire/transact/move in-game items and currency or are associated with these acts.

Acts that attempt to gain unfair advantage by influencing the market price, such as registering a large number of specific items in the trading system, or any other related actions.

Using an unauthorized program to trade (register) in-game items that cannot be used in the official trading system or any other related actions.

Acts of acquiring/trading/moving goods through abnormal play, or cases related to this.

Multiple account operations gaining an unfair advantage

Permanent game access restriction

Unfair profits (paid/free goods, in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits) retrieved and deducted

If it is judged to be for the purpose of obtaining unfair gains through the operation of multiple accounts such as:

Ex) The act of creating and playing multiple accounts in a similar/same form, or the act of repeatedly acquiring or using in-game items and currency using multiple accounts, or delivering/providing benefits to a specific account.

Even if it is not specified in the above description, you may be restricted from using the service if your usage history adversely affects the Game environment.

To protect customers and game services, we may also take legal action, depending on the severity of each offense.

If it is confirmed that a specific account is related to another account that has been restricted for violating the Operation Policy, the same level of restrictions may be applied.

In order to minimize the spread of the same damage, restriction measures may also be applied to the devices and networks accessed by the accounts that has been restricted under this Operation Policy or accounts that appear to have been hacked.

The Game provided by the Company are optimized for mobile devices, and the Company cannot be held responsible for any damage or disadvantages that may arise from playing in other environments or using programs not provided by the Company.

In-game items, currency, experience points, or other benefits obtained directly or indirectly through system (bug) exploitation or abuse will be retrieved and deducted. If these are moved or damaged and therefore these cannot be retrieved, such character may be deleted or the game data may be reset.

In order to retrieve unfair gains, your account may be temporarily restricted until the full retrieval, depending on the case.

[6-2-3] Account stealing, hacking, and leaking personal information


1st Warning

2nd Warning

3rd Warning

4th and Beyond

Account stealing

Permanent game access restriction

Stealing other customer's accounts, guilds, etc. and causing damage

Stealing other customer's personal information or payment information to gain an advantage

Participating in or being involved in the theft of accounts, guilds, etc.

Stealing or forging identity verification documents and other documents

Data tampering / hacking

Permanent game access restriction

Hacking servers, changing/modifying client and game-related data, or attempting to do so.

Tampering/modifying the communication between the server and the client

Extracting game client files and using or leaking various data without authorization.

Leaking personal information

Game access restricted for 360 days

Permanent game access restriction

Leaking other people's personal information/payment information or any other private information.

Game access restricted for 30 days

Permanent game access restriction

Asking for someone else's personal information/payment information.

False report

Game access

restricted for 3 days

Game access restricted for 7 days

Game access restricted for 15 days

Game access restricted for 30 days

Reporting false information

Game access restricted for 30 days

Permanent game access restriction

Falsifying or participating in reports of account theft/personal information leakage.

Even if it is not specified in the above description, the use of the service may be restricted if usage history or play behavior adversely affects the Game environment.

[6-2-4] Abusing all the processes related to the company and the open market store


1st Warning

2nd Warning

3rd Warning

4th and Beyond

Unfair profits obtained

Permanent game access restriction until all unfair profits can been retrieved

Abusing, or spreading ways to abuse

Permanent game access restriction

Abusing the processes related to membership, game use, payment, refund or other processes provided by the Company and open market stores to gain unfair advantage.

Disseminating/spreading methods of abusing the processes of the open market store in-game or through official community websites.

If violations of the above Operation Policy are detected, some functions of the game, such as the trading system and the store, may be restricted during the investigation or citation process.

All in-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits obtained directly or indirectly through the abuse of all processes of the company and the open market store will be retrieved and deleted, and if they are moved or damaged and difficult to recover, the character may be deleted or the game data may be reset.

Legal action may be taken if an individual or multiple IDs or organizations abuse the Company and open market store processes for commercial purposes.

Appeals (complaints, requests for recovery of unjustified profits) can be filed through the Game Customer Support Center.

Appeals (complaints) may not be accepted or guidelines may not be provided due to the end of the data retention period for the Game which is two months from the start of the restriction.

[6-3] Guides to Objecting Use Restriction

You may inquire through the Customer Support Center within the Game if you desire to object the access restriction.

However, if 30 days have passed since the commencement of the restriction, you will not be eligible to make an appeal.

7. Recovery Policy
There can be no recovery for the damages caused in cases listed below or when an account or character information cannot be verified.

[7-1] Application for recovery can only be filed within 7 days of the problem occurrence and it should be reported through the Customer Support Center. It will become difficult for the Company to offer any helps if you miss the deadline.

[7-2] Inquiries should be filed from the account that experienced the problems. Reports filed from another ID will not be acknowledged.

[7-3] Recovery cannot be provided when data and evidence provided by the customer do not prove Company’s negligence.

[7-4] In-game items and currency, experience points or any other benefits that are lost due to customers negligence or on purpose cannot be recovered.

[7-5] Assistance cannot be provided to cases in which problems are occurred due to the customers negligence or carelessness.

[7-6] Assistance cannot be provided to cases in which users overlook the Operation Policy, in-game announcements, and official communities.

8. Dormant Accounts Policy
[8-1] In order to provide seamless service and to prevent improper use of dormant accounts and characters, the Company may delete accounts or characters, if they meet all the conditions listed below:

- Accounts or characters that have been no record of access (dormant) for more than 12 months; and

- Accounts or character has no paid in-game items or any in-game items that has not expired.

[8-2] Once an account or a character has been classified as dormant and the user has been notified, all related information, the account will be deleted without the possibility of recovery. If the customer logs in within the stated period, it will no longer if classified as dormant account.

9. Guest Accounts Policy
Guest accounts are linked to the device. As therefore, guest accounts may be lost during data transfer, loss of device or device malfunction, substitution, factory reset, as well as cache and data deletion. Therefore, the company is not responsible for the problems arising from an account that is not linked to the official account.

[9-1] The Company will take all necessary actions to recover guest accounts if it was lost due to Company negligence.

[9-2] The Company will provide all necessary guidance inside the Game and in the official community boards in regard to problems that can occur if the account is not linked.

[9-3] The company cannot provide assistance to cases in which the guest account is lost due to the loss of device, transfer or factory reset, as well as data or cache loss due to customers negligence or carelessness.

[9-4] Guest account cannot be deleted permanently, nor can it be guaranteed for permanent use.

10. Operation Policies to protect the human rights of customer support representative

[10-1] The following behaviors violate the human rights of customer support representative and interfere with their work;

- Making inquiries to customer support representative that include abusive language, sexual harassment, personal attacks, and threat.

- Sending inquiries that contain abusive language, , sexual harassment, personal attacks, and threat which are not relevant to the Game at all.

- Disrupting the work by sending a series of inquires that contain abusive language, sexual harassment, personal attacks, or threats.

- Any other unacceptable behaviors that may cause serious mental distress to the customer support representative and disrupt the works.

[10-2] If you harass or violate the customer support representative’s human rights in any ways, the following measures may be taken:


1st Warning

2nd Warning

3rd and beyond

Human rights violation

Warning, customer service paused

Game access

restricted for 3 days

Game access

restricted for 7 days

 Your inquires will only be answered when you make inquiries that is compliant with the Operation Policy.

 If the customer continues to use abusive language, sexual harassment, personal attacks, or make threats after the third warning, you may be restricted to access the Game for another 7 days in addition to the time of period that you are already restricted from the Game. The restriction can be applied for up to 30 days.

 If the level harassment against the customer support representative is deemed to be serious, as shown in the examples below, you may be restricted from using the Game without prior warning:

① Name-calling or making derogatory remarks about the customer support representative’s appearance.

② Requesting a private meeting with a customer support representative or making offensive jokes.

③ Making verbal abuse and sexual jokes against the customer support representatives or their family members.

④ Showing and sharing inappropriate photographs.

Any other behaviors that may make the customer support representatives feel sexually offended or humiliated.

 If abusive language, sexual harassment, or personal attacks occur from multiple accounts accessed from the same IP or device information, they may be considered to be done by the same person.